Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO)

VIO trajectory of a camera in a warehouse

Camera based Odometry

Our VIO outperforms what is available in common libraries and hardware implementations. Therefore:

  • We implement monocular, stereo and multi-camera VIO solutions
  • We build reliable pure-VIO applications or sensor stacks.
  • We do sensor fusion of VIO with other sensors such as encoders, lasers or custom camera-imu setups.
  • We have extensive experience with the Intel RealSense Vision Processor D4 modules on the D455 and T265

Learn more from our blog

ZED X and NVIDIA Jetson: In-depth review

With their ZED X camera, Stereolabs has chosen for a firm integration with the Nvidia Jetson platform. Here’s a high level overview of what applications are supported, and also some pointers to how the ZED+Nvidia architecture works!

Read ZED X and NVIDIA Jetson: In-depth review

NVIDIA Isaac ROS In-Depth: cuVSLAM and the DP3.1 Release

NVIDIA's Isaac ROS software stack continues to evolve, with the DP3 .1 release bringing significant improvements to its Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) capabilities. Here’s a review of what we found.

Read NVIDIA Isaac ROS In-Depth: cuVSLAM and the DP3.1 Release

NVIDIA Isaac ROS in under 5 minutes

The NVIDIA Isaac Robot Operating System (ROS) is a collection of hardware-accelerated packages that make it easier for ROS developers to build high-performance solutions on NVIDIA hardware.

Read NVIDIA Isaac ROS in under 5 minutes