Mobile robots in a wharehouse running on Isaac ROS 2

We build autonomous robots using the NVIDIA Isaac ROS 2 SDK

Isaac ROS provides individual packages (GEMs) and data pipeline optimizations (NITROS) which include image processing and computer vision functionality that has been highly optimized for NVIDIA GPUs and Jetson platforms.

The NVIDIA Isaac™ Robot Operating System (ROS) is a collection of hardware-accelerated packages that make it easier for ROS 2 developers to build high-performance solutions on NVIDIA hardware.

This officially supported ROS software stack supports:

  • NVIDIA Isaac Transport for ROS (NITROS)
  • Visual SLAM Based Localization
  • 3D Scene Reconstruction - nvblox
  • DNN Inference Processing
  • Stereo Perception
  • Mission Dispatch and Client
  • Camera/Image Processing

Read more about NVIDIA Isaac ROS on our Blog Post, NVIDIA Isaac ROS in under 5 minutes

Mobile robots in a wharehouse running on Isaac ROS 2

Learn more from our blog

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