2D/3D Collision Avoidance

Camera based collision avoidance

We create global and local planners that take into account the collision of the robot body with the environment.

For this, we:

  • Model static and dynamic environments
  • Create virtual maps of the environment
  • Implement continuous collision checking approaches
  • Avoidance of local minimum around obstacles while planning

Learn more from our blog

ZED X and NVIDIA Jetson: In-depth review

With their ZED X camera, Stereolabs has chosen for a firm integration with the Nvidia Jetson platform. Here’s a high level overview of what applications are supported, and also some pointers to how the ZED+Nvidia architecture works!

Read ZED X and NVIDIA Jetson: In-depth review

Navigating Unmarked Trails: Vision Guided Autonomous Off-Road Robotics

Mastering autonomous off-road navigation rests on three pillars: real-time collision avoidance, real-time drivable surface detection, and a robust navigation solution considering elevation and surface costs.

Read Navigating Unmarked Trails: Vision Guided Autonomous Off-Road Robotics

NVIDIA Isaac ROS In-Depth: cuVSLAM and the DP3.1 Release

NVIDIA's Isaac ROS software stack continues to evolve, with the DP3 .1 release bringing significant improvements to its Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) capabilities. Here’s a review of what we found.

Read NVIDIA Isaac ROS In-Depth: cuVSLAM and the DP3.1 Release